Quitting smoking is like parenting

June 10th, 2015

There is no such thing as just one for an addict! Not one drink. Not one cigarette!  To test this with quitting smoking is abusive to your brain.

If you are a parent, you have witnessed the agony that your child has experienced as you leave home for an evening out. You watch as your child kicks, screams and cries. Your child is reacting to the perceived threat that you may never return.

Similarly, your brain throws a temper tantrum (nicotine withdrawal) when you are quitting smoking.  And just as your child eventually calms in your absence, so does your brain in the absence of nicotine.

Now imagine that you forgot your wallet and have to return to the house shortly after you left. Those kids will get all riled up again, only to repeat the painful experience of you leaving. It almost makes you want to stay home…….almost. But, just like cigarettes, you know it’s healthy to get some time away from them.

Now let’s say you stayed away for a few days or even weeks (wishful thinkingJ). Do you think your children would forget who you are? Of course not! And your brain will never forget nicotine if it returns. Nicotine addiction is a chronic disease marked by periods of relapse and remission.

The highs and lows that your children experience parallel the swings of relapse and recovery experienced by a smoker.  In either case, the cycle of coming and going is painful!

When things get tough with quitting smoking, a short drag seems harmless. But remember, it does to your brain what returning home for your wallet does to your children. Protect yourself from that abuse. Make a plan to quit. Research your options for help with quitting. Recruit support from friends, families and co-workers. And then call Alpha Lifestyle Center of Birmingham. We are here to help you “Live the Alpha Lifestyle!”



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