Quitting Smoking: Inpatient Approach

May 5th, 2015

During my recent visit to Rochester, MN for training at the Mayo Clinic I was introduced to the eight-day residential treatment program at the Nicotine Dependence Center. Now don’t get me wrong. I believe that for most people, Alpha Lifestyle Center of Birmingham is the answer to nicotine addiction. But for some, an inpatient program may be in order for help with quitting smoking.

I have always thought a program like this was warranted for people seeking help with quitting smoking. I often discuss this very topic with customers at Alpha Lifestyle Center.

Think about it. Smokers are expected to overcome the MOST POWERFUL addiction by themselves, with no professional help, while resuming daily activities and surrounded by other smokers.

Yet, individuals battling a dependency on other substances may go to an offsite facility while accessing professional help, getting away from their daily environment and away from others who are still using. How is that fair?

Experts agree that nicotine is the most powerful addiction. Still, with all we know about addiction, relapse and recovery, the components of an effective program aren’t routinely available for tobacco users. Mayo Clinic has been treating patients in the 8-Day Residential Treatment Program since 1992.  While at Mayo Clinic, I met many of the Residential Treatment Program staff and toured the beautiful facility. I was very impressed. The program cost is roughly $5500 plus the cost of recommended medications. Certainly it’s not for everybody, but it’s good to know it exists. At Mayo Clinic they are experts in the field of nicotine addiction and I recommend this approach to heavy users or highly tobacco-dependent individuals who have ceased to quit despite various efforts/approaches. I’m glad to learn that the resources available for help with quitting smoking are matched to the challenge of quitting smoking. It would great to see a similar facility or program available in Michigan.


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