Can Twitter Help you Quit Smoking?
October 6th, 2010 in In the CommunityRecently I came across a blog post on TechCrunch where a blogger wrote an article on how Twitter can help people to Quit Smoking. This immediately caught my attention. It appears that Twitter is not only the place to give the people you know a 140 character update on your life, but it is also a place to receive support when you are tackling something extremely difficult in life, like quitting smoking.
How amazing is this? A woman by the name of Alexia Tsotsis accidentally found out that Twitter can be used as a very useful and effective tool when trying to attempt to Quit Smoking. During her struggle, she posted updates on Twitter about her stop smoking process. In fact, whenever she was craving a smoke, she decided to Tweet instead! The amazing amount of support that she received from those listening to her on Twitter knocked her off her feet! This amount of support was so helpful that it eventually lead to her success.
Of course, she was using other methods to quit as well, including nicotine patches, but she claims that she could not have done it without the support of her Twitter followers. She wrote “I loved smoking like Stelter loved Dunkin’ Donuts, but seeing the support tweets made me think twice before buying a pack of cigarettes, no matter how much the urge to smoke burned.”
For all of you that trying to quit, please consider using places like your Twitter page and your Facebook to gain support during your hard times. In fact, you can always use our Alpha Laser Facebook Page to become a fan and gain additional support as well. Good to All!