Alpha Life Style Center is Windsor’s original Laser Stop Smoking clinic and is now located in Birmingham, Michigan! Our programs offer struggling individuals a unique and comprehensive approach to quitting smoking without painful needles, drugs or nicotine!


Individuals who sell Life & Health Insurance Policies know first-hand the cost difference in policy for a smoker vs. a nonsmoker. As such, you may occasionally meet an individual who is interested in/struggling with quitting smoking. When this occurs, we would like you to be aware of our service and the discount on our service that only YOU can extend to your client. We are not seeking an endorsement, but rather see an opportunity for you to:

1) be an even greater resource to your clients 

2) address a client need with a significantly discounted service

3) provide meaningful referrals to a fellow LBN member-WIN, WIN, WIN!



Alpha Life Style Center is now offering individual agents HUGE DISCOUNTS on our Laser Stop Smoking Program to pass on to their clients. Your individual and group clients (AND thier family members) are eligible to receive $50 OFF the regular price of our Smoking Cessation service.



Stop Smoking Products & Services are an FSA /HSA approved expense!


  1. Call Alpha Life Style Center at #248-594-1303 to register with us as a Corporate Partner. 
  2. Inform your clients about the $50.00 discount available to themselves and their family members at Alpha Life Style Center of Birmingham as a valued client of (YOUR NAME).

For your convenience we have included a copy of our logo: Click here for our logo!.