Smoker’s Face

July 5th, 2011

It’s finally summer! Exercising and eating healthy are definitely ways to get yourself looking great for beach parties, cookouts, and even walks in the park, but there’s nothing better you can do for your skin than to quit smoking. Did you know……..Wikipedia even has a listing for the term Smoker’s Face!

With smoking comes lines and wrinkles in your skin which is very noticeable around the face and eyes. More than 4000 toxins come from the cigarette smoke that is carried through your bloodstream out to your skin.

Not only does your skin retain these toxins, but your skin cells wear out faster and become much less able to reproduce themselves causing skin to age at a rapid pace. The nicotine in cigarettes causes narrowing of the blood vessels in the outermost layers of your skin. This impairs blood flow to your skin. With less blood flow, your skin doesn’t receive the oxygen and important nutrients (such as Vitamin A) necessary to maintain healthy, vibrant skin. Many of the chemicals in tobacco smoke also damage collagen and elastin, which are fibers that give your skin its strength and elasticity. As a result, skin begins to sag and wrinkle.

In addition, repeated exposure to the heat from burning cigarettes and the facial expressions you make when smoking (pursing lips, squinting eyes) can contribute to wrinkles.

The beauty of your skin decreases every time you smoke. Why not get back on the right track to beautiful, healthy skin? Quitting smoking is tough! Side effects can be unbearable………..and old habits die hard!

Let Alpha Life Style Center help get your skin looking great without the painful withdrawal symptoms that are typically experienced when quitting smoking cold turkey.


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