Confirmed….Smoking is the leading cause of statistics!
June 2nd, 2011Lung cancer is one of the deadliest cancers and is most often caused by smoking. The more you smoke, the greater are your chances of getting lung cancer. Lung cancer also affects those who are exposed to second hand smoke.
In addition to lung cancer, smokers are also more prone to cancer of the voicebox, stomach, mouth and throat.. In the US alone, tobacco use is the cause of about one in five deaths every year. CLICK HERE for more statistics
With such a great risk of cancer, why do people continue to smoke? It often seems easier to have just one more smoke than to endure the painful withdrawal symptoms of quitting.
There is a way to help YOU get healthy and significantly reduce your risk of cancer-related illnesses without all of the discomfort typically associated with quitting cold turkey, such as irritibilitly, anxiety, short temper, inability to focus,etc.
Alpha Lifestyles Center of Birmingham offers a unique Laser Therapy program to help minimize the withdrawal sypmtoms, greatly improving the likelihood of a full recovery and long-term freedom from nicotine addiction.
The time is NOW! The place is Alpha Lifestyle Center of Birmingham. And the reason is YOU! Many of Alpha’s customers report that quitting smoking is THE MOST difficult thing that they have ever had to do, so why do it alone?? Let us help you help yourself. Call Alpha Lifestyle Center of Birmingham today #248-594-1303.