Leonard Nimoy’s battle with COPD

April 28th, 2016

Leonard Nimoy, the beloved Mr. Spock of Star Trek, died on February 27, 2015 of complications from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Leonard was diagnosed with COPD just 2 years earlier, in 2013. In my opinion, what’s important here is that he quit smoking nearly 30 years prior to being diagnosed with COPD, in 1986!

NO-THERE IS NO SAFE AMOUNT OF TIME TO SMOKE BEFORE QUITTING! In Leonard’s own words from a CNN interview, “The damage is being done right now. Every day you light a cigarette you are losing cells in your lungs.”

As the story goes, Leonard was at an airport, seated in a wheelchair, with his oxygen, and he was spotted by photographers. The photos went out with the headline, ‘What’s wrong with Leonard Nimoy?,’ so Leonard appeared on CNN (February 10, 2014) to set the record straight about his COPD diagnosis.His daughter Julie, along with her husband, David Knight, are fulfilling Leonard’s wish to educate the world about COPD and encourage smokers to quit with a documentary due out later this year titled COPD: Highly Illogical. Watch the trailer here.

I scrolled through his Tweets and selected a sample of posts that Leonard made between the time of his diagnosis to the time of his death to illustrate his mission to encourage smokers to quit. As Leonard explained in the Piers Morgan segment, he started a Twitter account and began Tweeting to help generate publicity for his granddaughter, who started an online retail business featuring a variety of Live Long and Prosper items; www.shopllap.com.





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